Classroom Expectations

1. Listen attentively
2. Raise your hand to speak
3. Be respectful
4. Be accountable for your choices
5. Be an active learner
6. Speak French

Personal Behaviour:
If a student does not display appropriate classroom behaviour his/her name will be recorded on the board; this will serve as a warning.
If the student’s behaviour persists the student will receive a check mark. A note may be written in the daily agenda.
Should the behaviour continue after the second warning, the student will be placed in time-out until s/he is ready to display acceptable classroom behaviour.

At the end of two weeks the students have the opportunity to participate in a special activity. Special activities could include: free time, a movie, an extra computer period, a draw for a prize, or a treat. If a student has received three or more check marks, s/he will not participate in the special activity and will be required to complete a behaviour package.

N.B.: These expectations are to be followed at lunch, recess, music, phys. ed. and with a substitute.